Orthopaedic Practical Master course videos
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Orthopaedic Practical Master course videos

Language: English

Instructors: Dr.Prashant Madan Mohan MD (Europe) DNB Orthopaedics


Why this course?


How to read Tumor radiograph
tumors viva
Knee Basics
Shoulder Tests 2
Shoulder Tests
Shoulder Case Presentation Basics
Spine Case Presentation Basics
Wrist Case Presentation and Core concepts
TUMOR case presentation - Online Course 2
Total Claw hand Case Presentation
Nerve Case Presentation Examination
Instruments Implants
How to Square the pelvis Perkins method
Elbow Case Presentation Examination Basics
Ankle Foot Case Presentation and exam basics
Hip core concepts- Online Course 2
Hip Basic Case Presentation - Online Course - 2
Introduction Dr.Prashant Madan Mohan DNB Orthopaedics NEET-SS FNB mentorexam.com Preview
