Ophthalmology DNB MS Solved Question Papers Theory Exam course
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Ophthalmology DNB MS Solved Question Papers Theory Exam Course

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89 learners enrolled

Language: English

Validity Period: 365 days

₹14995 33.34% OFF



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Course Highlights:

Covers the basics of all the important topics in the subject.

Includes recent years’ solved question papers. (Dec 2019, September 2020, March 2021,Dec 2021,June 2022 papers 1234 Dec 22 papers 1 2 ,3,4, April 23 papers 1234

Solved DNB Ophthalmology question papers

Dec 2019, September 2020, March 2021,Dec 2021,June 2022 papers 1234, Dec 22 1,2,3,4 April 23 p 1234,Oct 23 - paper 1234

Arranged in a reader-friendly bulleted format, enriched with flowcharts and diagrams, that is easy to retain and reproduce in exams.

Video series on important topics included

Ideal for postgraduates preparing for exit examinations.

Concise but extensive information in each topic compiled from standard textbooks and recent preferred practice patterns.

Recent advances from latest articles and journals covered.

Will also help for higher examinations, such as FNB-SS CET, SR/Fellowship interviews.

Handy for last minute, quick revision.

app based content; Access anywhere using app ios or android

Give your preparation an extra edge with ready-made notes!

Free Bonus Memory for Medicos Course by Cognishift.org


Section 1. Basic Sciences, Optics & Refraction & Miscellaneous:

  1. Blood Ocular Barrier
  2. OT Sterilisation
  3. Corneal Drug Penetration (Overlap in Cornea Section)
  4. Dyes in Ophthalmology
  5. Ophthalmic Manifestations of Covid-19 & VR Protocol
  6. Role of Oxidative Stress in Potentially Blinding Diseases
  7. Nyctalopia
  8. Corneal drug penetration
  9. NPCB & Childhood blindness
  10. Confocal microscopy
  11. Contrast sensitivity

Section 2. Lens & Cataract:

  1. TASS vs Endophthalmitis
  2. Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome (TASS)
  3. Cluster Endophthalmitis Protocol (Overlap in VR Section)
  4. Viscoelastics in Ophthalmology
  5. IOL Power Calculation in an Operated LASIK Patient (Overlap in Cornea Section)
  6. Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome (IFIS)
  7. Pediatric Cataract (Overlap in Pediatric Section)
  8. FLACS (Femtosecond-Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery)
  9. Subluxated Lens
  10. Posterior Polar Cataract & Management
  11. Small Pupil During Cataract Surgery
  12. Development & Metabolism of Lens; Biochemistry of Cataractogenesis
  13. TASS
  14. Viscoelastics in Ophthalmology

Section 3. Cornea, External Diseases & Refractive Surgery:

  1. Anatomy and Transparency of Cornea
  2. Corneal Drug Penetration (Overlap with Basic Sciences Section)
  3. Corneal Topography
  4. Pterygium & Its Management
  5. VKC (Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis) & Management
  6. Episcleritis
  7. Scleritis
  8. Filamentary Keratitis
  9. Peripheral Ulcerative Keratitis (PUK)
  10. Persistent Epithelial Defect (PED)
  11. Fuch’s Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy
  12. Ocular Rosacea
  13. IOL Power Calculation in an Operated LASIK Patient (Overlap in Lens & Cataract Section)
  14. Amniotic Membrane in Ophthalmology
  15. Recent Advances in Endothelial Keratoplasty
  16. Corneal Neurotisation
  17. Glaucoma After Corneal Surgeries (Overlap in Glaucoma Section)
  18. Specular Microscopy
  19. Glaucoma after corneal surgeries
  20. Pterygium and its management
  21. Amniotic membrane in Ophthalmology
  22. Recent advances in endothelial keratoplasty
  23. Peripheral ulcerative keratitis PUK
  24. Corneal Neurotisation
  25. Lid sequelae in trachoma
  26. Lamellar keratoplasty Recent advances
  27. Preservation of donor corneal tissue
  28. Lens based refractive surgeries

Section 4. Glaucoma:

  1. NTG (Normal Tension Glaucoma)
  2. Ocular Hypertension
  3. Steroid Induced Glaucoma
  4. Pigment Dispersion Syndrome (PDS)
  5. Posner Schlossmann Syndrome
  6. Inflammatory/Uveitic Glaucoma
  7. Ghost Cell Glaucoma/Glaucoma Associated with Intraocular Hemorrhage
  8. Lens Induced Glaucoma
  9. Neovascular Glaucoma
  10. Glaucoma in Pregnancy
  11. Glaucoma Trials
  12. Rho Kinase Inhibitors in Ophthalmology
  13. Trabeculectomy: Surgical Procedure
  14. Complications of Trabeculectomy
  15. Releasable Sutures in Glaucoma Surgery
  16. Advances in Techniques of Trabeculectomy
  17. Hypotony Maculopathy
  18. MMC in Ophthalmology
  19. Canaloplasty
  20. Cyclodestructive Procedures
  21. Recent Advances in Perimetry
  22. Glaucoma After Corneal Surgeries (Overlap in Cornea Section)
  23. Advances in techniques of trabeculectomy
  24. Releasable sutures in glaucoma surgery

Section 5. Vitreoretina & Uvea:

  1. RPE (Retinal Pigment Epithelium)
  2. Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)
  3. Central Retinal Arterial Occlusion (CRAO)
  4. Epiretinal Membrane
  5. Cystoid Macular Edema (CME)
  6. Macular Hole
  7. Retinopathy of Prematurity: Advances (Overlap in Pediatric Section)
  8. Aflibercept in Ophthalmology
  9. Vitreous Hemorrhage
  10. Submacular Hemorrhage
  11. Cluster Endophthalmitis Protocol (Overlap in Lens & Cataract Section)
  12. Siderosis Bulbi
  13. Pachychoroid Spectrum Disorders
  14. Optic Disc Pit Maculopathy
  15. Vitreous Floaters
  16. White Dot Syndrome: Introduction
  17. APMPPE (Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy)
  18. Masquerade Syndrome in Uveitis
  19. Uvea: Anatomy & Developmental Anomalies
  20. Microperimetry in Retinal Disorders
  21. Eales Disease
  22. Vitreous floaters
  23. Submacular hemorrhahe SMH
  24. Optic disc pit maculopathy
  25. Traumatic retinal lesions
  26. Endogenous endophthalmitis
  27. Clinical trials in diabetic retinopathy
  28. Intravitreal steroids

Section 6. Pediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismus & Neuroophthalmology:

  1. Anatomy & Physiology of EOM
  2. Clinical Evaluation of Squint
  3. Visual Acuity in a Pre-verbal Child
  4. Convergence Insufficiency
  5. Amblyopia
  6. Infantile ET
  7. Intermittent XT
  8. Pattern Strabismus
  9. Duane Retraction Syndrome
  10. Strabismus Surgery: Overview and Classification
  11. Botulinum Toxin in Ophthalmology (Overlap in Oculoplasty Section)
  12. Adjustable Sutures in Strabismus Surgery
  13. Retinopathy of Prematurity: Advances (Overlap in VR Section)
  14. Pediatric Cataract (Overlap in Lens & Cataract Section)
  15. ION (Ischemic Optic Neuropathy)
  16. Optic Neuritis Part 1
  17. Optic Neuritis Part 2
  18. Neuromyelitis Optica-Spectrum Diseases (NMOSD)/Devic's Disease
  19. Oculomotor Nerve (III CN) Palsy
  20. Phacomatoses
  21. Anterior Segment Ischemia (ASI)
  22. Adjustable sutures in squint surgery
  23. OKN anatomy & applied aspects
  24. Horizontal gaze centre anatomy & Applied aspects
  25. Extraocular Muscle transposition surgeries in strabismus

Section 7. Oculoplasty:

  1. Bony Orbit
  2. Lacrimal Drainage System: Anatomy, Physiology & Developmental Anomalies
  3. Acquired Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction (ANLDO)
  4. Contracted Socket
  5. ROCM (Rhino-Orbito-Cerebro-Mucormycosis)
  6. Botulinum Toxin in Ophthalmology (Overlap in Pediatric Section)
  7. Orbital Blow-Out Fracture
  8. ANLDO
  9. Conjunctivo dacryocystorhinostomy C-DCR
  10. Congenital Nasolacrima Duct Obstruction CNLDO

Solved DNB Question Papers:

  1. DNB December 2019 Solved Paper: 8 PDFs
  2. DNB September 2020 Solved Paper: 8 PDFs
  3. DNB March 2021 Solved Paper: 8 PDFs
  4. DNB June 2021 Solved Papers: 4 PDFs
  5. DNB December 2021 Solved Papers: 4 PDFs
  6. DNB June 2022 Solved Papers: 4 PDFs
  7. DNB December 2022 Solved Papers: 4 PDFs
  8. DNB April 2023 Solved Papers: 4 PDFs
  9. DNB October 2023 Solved Papers: 4 PDF

Video Based Lecture Series:

Optics & Refraction - 3 Videos

  1. Basics
  2. Retinoscopy
  3. Subjective Refraction

Strabismus - 6 Videos

  1. Anatomy & Physiology of Extraocular Muscles
  2. Binocular Single Vision
  3. Clinical Evaluation of Strabismus
  4. Important Clinical Entities Related to Strabismus
  5. Nystagmus & Surgical Approach in Squint
  6. Paralytic Squint & CCDD

Glaucoma Basics - 3 Videos

  1. Aqueous Humor & Angle of Anterior Chamber
  2. Basic Investigation in Glaucoma: Gonioscopy
  3. Basic Investigation in Glaucoma: Perimetry



Dr. Abhishek Paul (DNB, FICO, MRCS Ed, Ex-Pediatric/Squint fellow, FRCS-G II)

Dr. Bijita Deb (MS, DNB, Ex-Cornea/Refractive fellow, FRCS-G I)

Free Bonus Memory for Medicos Course

Memory For Medicos
Dr.Prashant Madan Mohan MD (Europe) DNB Orthopaedics
Dr.Abhishek Paul DNB Ophthalmology , Dr.Bijita Deb MS,DNB Ophthalmology
Dr.Abhishek Paul DNB Ophthalmology , Dr.Bijita Deb MS,DNB Ophthalmology
Video Based Lectures
Dr.Abhishek Paul DNB Ophthalmology , Dr.Bijita Deb MS,DNB Ophthalmology
