Paper 1
Antenatal NTD diagnosis
Calcium homeostasis_
Components of nurturing Care for Early Childhood Development_
Epidemiological investigation of an outbreak_
MR Campaign_
odd_s ratio and its limitations
Pancreatic function test_
Pathogenesis of edematous malnutrition_
Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome_
Psychosocial impact of COVID-19 in children_
Role of Ethical committee of institution_
Sexual abuse
Sustainable development goals relevant to children_
Csf formation and circulation_
Describe mechanisms for absorption of carbohydrates and name diseases caused by defect in each stage
Diagnostic approach in a 2 year old child who presents with recurrent episodes of symptomatic hypoglycemia_
Enlist important components of POCSO act_
Glucose homeostasis in infants (June 2021) (Marks 5)
Paper 2
BPD management
1)Management of a child with nocturnal enuresis (June 2021) (Marks 5)
Acute kidney injury
Causality assessment in AEFI_
Conjugate vaccine_
Diagnosis and treatment of migrain
Diagnostic criteria of SIADH_
Evaluation of obesity_
Hereditary thrombotic predisposition_
Management of 1 year old child with severe acute malnutrition and acute diarrhea_
Obstructive sleep apnea
Super-refractory status epilepticus and it���s management_
Tabulate classification of malnutrition by WHO (June 2021) (Marks 5)
Vaccination in a child with cancer chemotherapy
Human milk banking in detail _
Human milk composition
Management of a sick newborn with suspected cyanotic heart disease_
Minimally invasive surfactnat therapy_
Risk factors for bilirubin toxicity in a newborn
Screening tests for Autism_
Paper 3
Approach to excess ferrous sulphate ingestion in child_
Contact dermatitis_
Diagnosis and management of pertussis
Diagnosis of lead poisoning_
Difference between extrahepatic biliary atresia and idiopathic neonatal hepatitis_
ECG differences among tachyarrhythmias_
Empyema diagnosis and management
Functional abdominal pain synrome IV classification_
Management of chickenpox in an adolescents
Neurocardiogenic syncope diagnosis and differential diagnosis_
Next generation sequencing_
Penetrating ocular trauma in toddler_
Risk of acid suppression drugs_
Severe Traumatic brain injury management_
Short stature enlist causes and evaluation of a 9 year old boy with Short stature_
Strategies to reduce screen time in children_
Disruptive behavioral disorders in school children_
HbsAg mother neonate
Management of acute rheumatic fever with carditis_
Paper 4
Assessment of pain in children_
Brainstem reflexes in brain death_
Continuous blood glucose monitoring_
CRISPR Cas9 gene editing in Children (Marks 5)_
Dengue Vaccine_
Differential diagnosis of acute flaccid paralysis_
DXA scan_
Extrskletal benefits of vitamin D supplementation_
Gullein barre syndrome (GBS)_
High flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy in Children
Laboratory deranged of Fanconi syndrome_
Management of a child with 40_ Burn injury _
Monoclonal Antibodies in rabies post exposure prophylaxis_
Point of care diagnosis of infections in children_
Recent advances in Insulin therapy_
Renal artery stenosis diagnosis and management(1)
Role of cryptosporidium in children with diarrhea_
Vitamin A prophylaxis programme in India_
WHO reduced osmolar ORS_
Universal newborn hearing screen
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